Press Release

Custom Dredge Works Announces the Delivery and Launch of a New 12-inch Electric Cutter Suction Dredge for Tuckahoe Sand & Gravel


Tuckahoe, NJ, July 30, 2019: Custom Dredge Works, Inc. (CDW) and Tuckahoe Sand & Gravel are excited to announce the successful recent launch of a new 12” Electric Powered Cutter Suction Dredge in Tuckahoe, NJ.

The electric powered dredge utilizes a Cutterhead and an Underwater Pump design on an 85-foot ladder that is capable of mining sand and gravel at depths up to 62 feet when the ladder is at a 60-degree angle. The Toshiba electric motor that powers the dredge greatly reduces air, water and noise pollution versus traditional diesel powered dredges.

Tuckahoe Sand & Gravel, which is a subsidiary of Johnston Enterprises, produces concrete sand and also has a distinguished reputation as one of the largest suppliers of high-quality Golf Course Sand on the US east coast.

Tuckahoe S&G acquired this new dredge to substantially increase their annual mining production. They chose Custom Dredge Works to design and manufacture their new dredge since Custom Dredge Works is widely recognized as the leading dredge manufacturer in the US Aggregate Mining Industry today. Tuckahoe’s Plant
Manager, Ron Sutton, has expressed great satisfaction in the increased production output they are achieving with their new Cutter Suction Dredge. A video of the new dredge can be seen on the Home page of Tuckahoe’s web site (

CDW President, John Jones commented, “I was personally involved in every aspect of the design and construction of this new dredge from early design concepts through completion. I am extremely proud of the finished product and the very positive results it is achieving for our client.”

In just the past three years Custom Dredge Works has sold five new custom designed Cutter Suction Dredges in New Jersey to four separate mining companies. Custom Dredge Works is now the dominant supplier of Dredging equipment in the New Jersey aggregate mining industry.